Getting Started:
1. Peppers require a long growing season, so you will have to sow them under cover early in the year so they will have plenty of time to grow to maturity and then produce fruit. Your pepper plants will do real good in large containers as long as you provide them with fertile compost and if you give them enough space to grow.
2. Sowing Seeds
If you want to use small pots to sow your peppers seeds in them, you can put one pepper seed in each pot then cover it with a thin layer of soil, and then put it in a heated propagator. You will need to do this with each pot that you plant in. After you get your pepper plants strong, you will need to plant them in a 3 1/2 inch pot and keep them under cover. The young plants has to be kept well watered. When the plants reach eight inches in height, they will need to be feed regularly with a liquid tomato fertilizer.
3. Planting out
If you are going to plant your peppers outside, you will need to harden them for two weeks, to harden them, they will need to be put outside doing the day and move your plants back inside at night. The site has to be a sunny, sheltered place and you will need to space each pepper plant sixteen inches apart in each direction, or if you want to sue containers because of not having a great big area for a garden, just fill each container with a multi-purpose compost with a minimum diameter of anything less then twelve inches. Then water your plants well.
4. Growing Indoors
You can grow your peppers on a sunny windowsill indoors or outside in a bright spot that is under cover. If your plants are inside you will need to hand pollinate indoor flowers. This is done by simply inserting a cotton swab or soft paintbrush into the center of each open flowers, and then transfer the pollen to another open flower.
5. Routine Care
All of the pepper plants has to be kept water well. You will need to feed the pepper plants with a high potash liquid fertilizer such as a tomato feed to encourage flowers and then fruits to form. Keep your plants fed every two weeks and keep them well watered.
6. Harvesting
The colors of the peppers will come in different colors according to the many different varieties of peppers. The colors are green, red, orange, yellow, or purple. You can harvest them while they are green, or your can wait till they mature which they will be sweeter. Take a pair of shears to pick your fruit, and by doing this, the plant is not damage. Put a cloche on your outdoor pepper plants in the fall, and this will help speed up the ripening.
Four different kinds of peppers
"Gypsy" this pepper is a compact fruits which are very flavorful and fleshy.
"Gourmet" this pepper is a compact plant that produce well and the peppers are orange.
"California Wonder" this pepper has a very sweet flavor and the peppers grow large and red fruit.
"Marconi" this pepper grows to be long and tapered ones and when they mature, they will be red.
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